Here Smewindia presents a fine quality replica of the Ertugrul Ghazi Talwar (Sword in english). Dirilis Ertugul Ghazi Sword. It is made up of high carbon steel which keeps it from rusting and any sort of corrosion.
This Ertugrul Ghazi Talwar has been inspired by the TV series called ‘Dirilis Ertugrul’, which is a story of Ertugrul Ghazi who was a 13-century bey (a governor) and the father of Osman (the founder of the Ottoman empire.
This handcrafted and hand-forged, Smewindia’s version of the sword is broader at the pointier end of the blade.
The Ertugrul sword has an engraved First Kalma, “لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله” which translates to La ilaha ill Allah Muhammadur-Rasul Allah, the meaning of which is There is no God but God and SAW is the messenger of God. There is also a leaf branch pattern engraved.
The Hilt is of black color made of Rosewood and the Handguard & pommel are made of brass in golden color. Dirilis Ertugul Ghazi Sword.With the pommel is attached a black thread loop. Smewindia also provides a black sheath to cover the sword.
It is a great collectible sword and can be used as a showpiece or decorative art piece in your house.
So, why delay? Buy your Dirilis Ertugrul Ghazi Sword now.
For any kind of information, reach out to us.
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