Smewindia presents the Indian Wedding Talwar, it is said that Tega sword (Tegha) was used by the Kings and royal officials of Punjab and Rajasthan.
It is a great sword that can be carried by the groom during the wedding. In earlier days, in order to protect the bride and wedding processions from the bandit groom used to carry a sword during the wedding.
Well, it became a tradition later and was even carried through by many generations in the modern world. It is said that this tradition also helped in warding off evil spirits.
So, why not carry on the tradition and buy yourself a great quality Black Tega talwar?
This Black Tega Talwar has an overall length of 39″ and an approximate weight of 2kg. The cover is available in three colors – RED, BLACK, and WHITE. The one shown in the picture is a black talwar.
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